25+ KPK
50+ Punjab
20+ Sindh
+Non-formal schools across Pakistan
+●Sponsor a Child In Just $10
Teach a Kid Make Individual Life (TAKMIL) is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit in the USA. TAKMIL focuses on out-of-school children in rural Pakistan, providing quality education through technology aligned with national standards to bridge educational gaps and empower marginalized communities.
Here at Takmil, we want to be catalysts for positive change by ensuring that education is available to everybody. All individuals, irrespective of their origins or current situations, should be able to participate in superior educational programs. We empower individuals, groups, and nations to flourish via modern technology and vigorous advocacy. Help expand educational opportunities for people all across the globe by joining the movement.
Finding ignored areas is the first step; we do in-depth needs assessments to learn about their problems. As we engage with parents, community leaders, and other interested parties, we can better understand how to personalize our strategy. Family participation in their children's education is highly esteemed. Our objective is to empower communities and create adaptation and durability to maintain progress beyond just teaching knowledge.
Our influence at Takmil vibrates across the country. We close the academic gap and make sure that no child falls between the cracks by funding 80 non-formal schools. We have given 3,000 students the tools they need to succeed. By developing 80 trained facilitators, we promote the next generation of leaders. Empowering learners is paving the way for a better future across Pakistan.
26.2 million children are deprived of educational opportunities, positioning Pakistan as the country with the second-highest rate of out-of-school children in the world. A staggering 60% of these children are at the primary and middle education levels, falling within the critical age range of 5 to 16 years. This persistent challenge underscores a significant educational dilemma for Pakistan. Substantial ratios of these children belong to rural regions.
TAKMIL’s primary focus is on addressing the educational needs of the 77% of out-of-school children living in rural and remote underprivileged communities where the absence of schools, both public and private, is prevalent. These communities lack basic resources such as internet connectivity, electricity, and educational infrastructure.
TAKMIL model offers an accelerated curriculum, completing Grades 1-5 in 12 months and Grades 6-8 in 18 months using a portable School in a Box equipped with solar-powered technology. It operates in community spaces like baithak, jirgah spaces, mosque, or facilitator homes avoiding the need for physical infrastructure and efficiently ensuring access to education in underserved areas. This ensures community is involved as a stakeholder of their children’s education.
Our accelerated model uses technology to educate multi-age children who never attended school. Completing primary and elementary literacy in 30 months, it offers Grades 1-5 in 12 months and Grades 6-8 in 18 months.
We utilize video lessons from open resources to address the need for more trained instructors. Each topic includes 2-3 videos, followed by digital assessments. Additionally, our portable School-in-a-Box manages classes with solar-powered technology.
TAKMIL's non-formal schools are designed for small groups, utilizing existing community infrastructure like baithak, facilitators homes, and mosques, avoiding the need for physical construction.
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Diam donec adipiscing tristique. Duis convallis convallis tellus id interdum velit laoreet id. Faucibus et molestie ac feugiat sed lectus vestibulum.Proin nibh nisl condimentum id. Euismod quis viverra nibh cras pulvinar mattis sed. Donec massa sapien faucibus et molestie ac feugiat sed. Vel orci porta non pulvinar.
Diam donec adipiscing tristique. Duis convallis convallis tellus id interdum velit laoreet id. Faucibus et molestie ac feugiat sed lectus vestibulum.TAKMIL has made significant strides in empowering rural communities across 42 districts in Pakistan, with over 150 trained community members, we’ve reached 30,000+ community members, providing primary, basic, and elementary literacy to 5000+, 2000+, and 3000+ individuals, respectively.
Globally, 258 million children lack education, with Pakistan having 22.8 million out-of-school children, predominantly in rural areas. TAKMIL targets rural regions and provides free education with a tailored approach.
Over half of Pakistani girls are out of school due to rural education gaps and cultural obstacles. We bring education directly to them and empower them.
The challenges that children in rural areas encounter are varied and complex. Our community-driven strategy assures that they attend school consistently by addressing their specific requirements in a way that doesn't interfere with their social dynamics.
TAKMIL's innovative curriculum caters to diverse age groups, providing tailored education for children who've never attended school, enabling primary and elementary education within 12-18 months.
Most rural regions lack internet, hindering online education. Our School-in-Box, a portable digital school enabling education anytime, anywhere, online or offline.
Competent educators are scarce in rural regions. By outlining the teacher's function as an agent, TAKMIL addresses this issue through structured curricula, video lectures, and online assessments.
TAKMIL lights up rural education, harnessing solar energy to brighten futures, conquer energy barriers, and shrink carbon footprints.
TAKMIL revolutionizes education with environmentally conscious, brick-and-mortar-free learning environments, leveraging existing resources to ensure accessible learning environments.
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