

4109 Cliff Edge Lane,
Louisville Kentucky, KY 40241


+1 (602) 430 5897

Takmil Solution

How TAKMIL Model Work?

TAKMIL prioritizes providing free quality education to out-of-school children in remote and marginalized areas of Pakistan. We leverage a customized technology-driven system to address challenges in rural communities lacking access to school, electricity, or internet. Our focus remains on reaching children in remote regions who are currently out of school, ensuring no child is left behind.

1. Integration Accelerated Curriculum

Our accelerated model uses technology to educate multi-age children who never attended school. Completing primary and elementary literacy in 30 months, it offers Grades 1-5 in 12 months and Grades 6-8 in 18 months.

2. Digital Delivery System

We utilize video lessons from open resources to address the need for more trained instructors. Each topic includes 2-3 videos, followed by digital assessments. Additionally, our portable School-in-a-Box manages classes with solar-powered technology.

3. Community Infrastructure

TAKMIL's non-formal schools are designed for small groups, utilizing existing community infrastructure like baithak, facilitators homes, and mosques, avoiding the need for physical construction.

You Are One Step Away

You Can Change 1 Child Life in Just $10/Month

WE Stand Out

Community-Driven Educational Transformation

Empowering girls through innovative female-led initiatives, blending tradition with technology, to create tailored educational pathways. With community collaboration and cultural respect, these initiatives seamlessly transition girls into formal education, sparking holistic community transformation.

Multiage Learning

Accelerated Curriculum

Technology Driven Solution

No Brick & Mortar School Building

Data Driven Education Interventions

2017 -2024

Takmil Impact

5 Provinces

geographc footprint

40 Districts


80 Rural Communities

empowerd with education


faciliators trained


basic literacy


primary education


elementary education


transitrion to formal school

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BigHearts is the largest global crowdfunding community connecting nonprofits, donors, and companies in nearly every country. We help nonprofits from Afghanistanworld

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BigHearts is the largest global crowdfunding community connecting nonprofits, donors, and companies in nearly every country. We help nonprofits from Afghanistanworld

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BigHearts is the largest global crowdfunding community connecting nonprofits, donors, and companies in nearly every country. We help nonprofits from Afghanistanworld

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